
Shabbos Schedule – Parshas Yisro

Erev Shabbos 19th of Shvat

5:10 PM – Hadlokas Neiros

5:20 PM – Mincha

5:28 PM Shkiyah

Shabbos Day 20th of Shvat

9:00 AM Brochos

9:10 AM Hodu

9:30 AM – Last Zman Shema

5:15 PM – Mincha (5 minutes after Candle lighting)

5:30 PM Shkiyah

6:30 PM Maariv

7:15 PM Avos U Bonim Finale

The Avos U Bonim grand finale will be IYH this מוצאי שבת. The program will begin with learning at 7:15 (the more you learn the more you earn) with the great Syltig Magician show starting at 7:45. There will be pizza, fries, desserts, and sushi for the adults. Even if you never came, you can still come this week. Of course, if you would like to help sponsor, we can always use more sponsors!

Thank you to all those who have already committed to sponsoring part of the event.

9:00 AM – Shachris
5:25 PM – Mincha / Maariv

Monday – Thursday
8:30 AM – Shachris
5:25 PM – Mincha / Maariv

7:30 PM – Daf Yomi
9:45 PM Chumish Shiur with the Rebbe (Thursday)

8:30 AM – Shachris